Serving Denver, CO


How to Properly Patch Drywall Holes

How to Properly Patch Drywall Holes

Have you ever looked at your home after living there several years and seen how many different holes you have from the numerous things you’ve decided to hang? It's in that moment you see just how unfortunate it looks with the realization that everyone else may have noticed it a long time before you ever did. This usually prompts people to do something about it, especially if they are about to repaint their home. If you’ve gotten as far as having the motivation to patch some holes then you’ve probably taken a moment to look up how to patch holes properly, which lead you here.

There are several different things that you must consider when you think about patching holes and nicks in your walls. Are your walls smooth or textured? Is the hole big or small? Is the nick on the flat surface of the wall or the corner of the wall? All these different factors change slightly how you go about patching the holes in your wall. If you thought that you could just get a small tub of spackle and wipe it over the hole, you’re wrong.

When it comes to properly patching holes there is a bit more finesse than to just filling the hole in the wall so it is not there anymore. You want to make sure that you can’t tell you just covered a hole with spackle. This means that there is going to be a bit of sanding involved especially if you have smooth walls because you can easily see when spackle was applied. Additionally, if the size of the hole is large you might need to do several rounds of spackle and sanding. Or worse, you need to cut out the drywall and place a new piece of drywall there.

Doing drywall repairs in your entire home can seem daunting. That is why My Painter offers a drywall repair service. We understand that not only does it take time and effort, but it also takes a measure of skill in order to make it look good. We are happy to provide all three of those things to you as a homeowner or business owner. My Painter can make it as if those holes were never there to begin with. This means even the nicks you have on the corners in your home. Don’t attempt to mess with this difficult challenge. Just call the professionals today! Or fill out our online request form for a free in-home evaluation.

By My Painter 11-5-2019
